adshield adwatch troubles

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Bethrezen, Feb 6, 2003.

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  1. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    i tried posting this on the adaware forum but haven't gotten a reply so i though as the support here is decidedly better ill try here instead

    ok i have adwatch set to max security and i have auto blocking off how ever when adwatch is on i cant use adshield because every time i hit the add to block list button adwatch auto closes the lil box that normally pops up and id like to know how i can get the 2 to work in tandem

    i cant add adshield to my filter list as i don't get that lil pop up message asking if i would like to allow the process even though i have auto block turned off what is going on wrong what have i done wrong or is this a bug in the program how can i ad ad shield to my allow process list

  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    I do not currently have a copy of Ad-Watch, however I'll suggest the following to start (and we can go from there):

    Can you uncheck this option on the Ad-Watch Tweaks screen:
    -Block Popups and banned Sites (you probably won't want this anyway if you have AdShield)

    And then, check if you can access AdShield. :)

    If you are still encountering the problem, try disabling these other two options:
    -Block IE save operations
    -Block ActiveX installations

    If you disable all three of those items, and Ad-Watch still closes the AdShield box, please post, but I'm going to guess it is a conflict with one of those Ad-Watch features.

    Best regards,

  3. Ghostcat

    Ghostcat Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2003
  4. pin

    pin Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2002
    lavasoft has recreated this issue and is working on a patch for it i think.. they know about it.
  5. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002
    hi all

    thanks for ya replys indeed it is a problem with one of them options I'm not sure which as i just turned em all off but that seamed to fix the trouble if lava soft is working on it i think ill just disable adwatch for now

    lavasoft has recreated this issue and is working on a patch for it i think.. they know about it.

    if so i which they would have the decency to reply and tell me that they are aware of the prob and are working on it


    above is not the only trouble i have experienced with adwatch as i was made aware of to day if you don't have security warning message turned off in ie then it stops pages from loading

    an example of this is when i tried to get to my on line banking when i get the lil warning box telling me i was about to switch to a secure server adwatch also closed it automatically even though i had auto blocking turned off which prevented the page from loading how ever when i hit do not display this message again and reloaded the page it loaded ok
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