How to install file updates for tds-3 easily for the cyber impaired!

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by coolartist, Oct 7, 2002.

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  1. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    ok...thanks to all the help I got here..maybe now I can help somebody else with the same problem I had.First of all I don't know jack about computers so this is for the dumbest of the dumb and dumber.It will be impossible for you to not be able to follow these instructions.

    I HAVE WINDOWS ME AND AFTER INSTALLING TDS-3... I FOUND I NEED TO INSTALL AND OR REPLACE CERTAIN FILES......PROBLEM.....I DON'T KNOW *JACK* ABOUT ANYTHING o_O BUT I'M DETERMINED TO INSTALL THE BEST TROJAN *HUNTER KILLER*ASSASINATOR ON THE MARKET DUE TO THE NATURE OF MY EXTREME PARANOIA.(please note...tds-3 is the delta force and navy seal operator of the trojan hunter seeker killer teams in the war against terrorist trojans.It has the temperament of Bill Money portrayed by Clint Eastwood in the movie UNFORGIVEN! If a trojan takes a shot at you TDS-3 will burn down the trojans house and kill it's whole family...aunts..uncles..dogs...cats...chickens and in my opinion should be dropped on BAGDAD!!!.....ok..ENOUGH OF THE RAVING REVIEW....LETS START...

    (1)Go ahead and download the file for Windows 9x...that is your operating system.The file is "system" Download it to your desktop for easy access.The folder will appear there immediately.

    (2)Now we are gonna make a folder to extract your files into.Right click on your desktop anywhere (other than a program of course :rolleyes:).A popup menu will appear.Scroll down and you will see "NEW." Another popup will appear.At the top you will see"FOLDER". Double click that and a new folder will appear on your desktop.Type something in there so you will know whats in there in a minute.If you screw up naming it...just it and scroll down the popup window till you see..."rename".Click that and you will be able to start over again.

    (3) the folder to be unzipped ( popup menu will appear.Scroll down till you see"extract all".An extract wizard window will appear.Click browse and an extract window will appear.You will find your folder on the desktop at the bottom of the window.Scroll down..follow the dotted line straight down from the desktop icon till you see your folder you click on that folder which will open it and click"OK".Now you will see
    your folder and its path in the "extracted to this directory window.Click "next" and then "finish".BOOM....YOUR FILES HAVE BEEN EXTRACTED AND ARE NOW IN YOUR NEW FOLDER ON YOUR DESKTOP.HOW COOL HUH? :cool:

    (4)Now you have to find those files and examine them one by one to determine which ones to keep and to overwrite or change.Go to "START" click and then click'SEARCH".Type in the name of each one of those files you unzipped one at a time.They will appear along with the ones you just put in the folder.It will be self explanitory when you see it.Now...when you find the file that is presently on your system....example...the one on your system is mscomctl.ocx and the one you downloaded says the same thing.There may be a difference in the kb's of the files but that is not important.They are the same file jUSt different versions.One needs to be updated.Now the file and another popup will appear.Click "properties" and then hit the"versions" tab.It will give you the version of the file propably highlighted in blue.Write that down.You are gonna compare them in a minute.Type in and run a search for the present running version of each of those files you down loaded writing down the version of each.Now...go back to your desktop and open your new file and rt,click on each of those and do the same thing ...writing down the version.Side by side comparision will determine the newest version.The newer version will be the greater number.Example...6.1.8637.0 and 6.1.9359.0.The one on the right is obviously the newer version.To be on the safe side I sent in the comparisons to the website at <>and they told me which ones to was propably unneccesary but when your dumber than mud...why chance it?The newer version of the file is the one to be installed over the one presently on your system.(overwritten). have come to the point where you are ready to dive completly into the uncharted depths of cyber tech madness.Scared? :eek: you should be.You can really screw up...but not by following these directions... ;)

    (5) be on the safe side..since we are dummies... :D me included..we are gonna make a copy of the original in case we screw up.Don't'll do fine! I did!!!
    Go to your "explore" and you will see all the windows systems files.It is completely self explanitory when you see it believe me.Scroll down till you see the folder that says *SYSTEM*Click it time only...and it will reveal all the hidden files.They are listed alphabetically.Right scroll till you find each file it has been determined you are going to change or overwrite.When you get to each of it once to highlight it..and then look straight will see the address bar...and right above will see some tools.As you run your cursor over them each and hold it there a second it will reveal its function.With your file only the "copy to" function.A browser window will appear.Click "desktop" and then "ok".A copy of the file is now on your desktop to be put in a folder for safekeeping a little later.Now your completely safe.If by some bizarre catastrophe you blow it won't be your last still have a copy of the original to put back at any time.COOL!!!

    Now there are other ways to do this...but this is how I did it....and I understood this method.very simple.First...I opened up the folder with my downloaded files to be was open in the background...I then followed the steps to open up the windows system files we just went over.Now I have both in front of the behind the other.At the very bottom of your screen you will see the folders you are working with.I'm so dumb I don't even know what the bar is called.As you click on each it will pop up over the other and you can work in that folder.Follow?Cool.

    Now...this is important before we go any ctrl.+alt.+delete at the same time.A window will appear that shows all your running processes.All these programs must be shut off one at a time.*Do not shut off explorer* everything will quit.Highlight each running process and click "end task" till they are all gone.Now we can go on.If those processes are running it might not work and we dont know enough to trouble shoot our just go ahead and shut them all down.I did and it worked for me.

    With my downloaded files folder open I rt.clicked the file of the soon to be delivered file and clicked..."cut" from the menu that appears.Be very carefull and make sure you don't accidentally hit the one above or below.Be carefull.Now...that little hummer is hanging there..hovering....waiting to be delivered to a destination folder...which is of course...our other window that is open already....C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.Next....highlight the folder labeled...*SYSTEM*.When highlighted it will have a blue or grey block around can't miss it.With that folder highlighted and opened(it will be opened when highlighted)right click it and click *PASTE* from the popup menu.BOOM..VOILA.. you just successfully over wrote your first file.How cool huh.Now if I can do it...I know you can.Make sure that folder is open before you right click it and not just highlighted.I made that mistake and thought I had screwed up terrible :eek:.Do that for each file you are over writing and then reboot your system.That means to turn it off for us *dummies* I think they call us "TECHMARES" as in nightmares to computer techs.We know just enough to be really dangerous to our systems. :D Lmao.....I know this will help somebody like me.....we are the proud....the too numerous to mention....we are "THE CYBER CHALLENGED" :) :) :)
  2. coolartist

    coolartist Registered Member

    Oct 6, 2002
    The site address for the diamond support I recieved is
  3. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Heya Coolartist, you're doing fine, don't you?
    You sound very happy and couragious; your "first steps" help instruction will certainly help other people too. Thanks for posting this!
    You must have been lucky to do it this way without the reboot before being able to overwrite the files, (might depend on the system), but great you succeeded this way and you got it all working in the meantime!

    Not sure if you registered your TDS version in the meantime or are still evaluating it:
    if still evaluating, the Radius (references) are updated manually from the website,
    just put the file in the TDS directory and start or reload TDS.
    If you've a registered version from the console, menu under TDS, click update and it's reloading the necessary parts itself after updating.

    Soon we might see some scripts from you with more fun and instructions!
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