Recent problems updating SpywareGuard or accessing the website...

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by javacool, Mar 25, 2004.

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  1. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    There was a very recent problem with the server. It is now fixed, but it may take a short while until your ISP updates their DNS records for the domain.

    Until that happens, you will be unable to access or update SpywareGuard.

    SpywareBlaster updates are unaffected.

    For most users, access to has now been restored. For anyone who still cannot access the site, unfortunately you can't do much more than wait for your ISP to update their DNS records. :doubt: There is a manual updating method for SpywareGuard below.

    This issue should be completely resolved in a day or two - hang in there!

    Manually Updating SpywareGuard
    (This information does not apply to SpywareBlaster - SpywareBlaster updates should be unaffected.)

    Right-click on each of the following files and choose "Save As...". Save them to your SpywareGuard folder.

    Best regards,

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2004
  2. skbaltimore

    skbaltimore Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    Hi, JC. Just a note - I recently installed SWG but was unable to use the live update feature; that's why I'm here on this thread to begin with. But there was a little problem manually d/l'ing the updated db's: When I right clicked and used "Save As", for some unknown reason, the .txt option was automatically selected for the d/l option, and it changed the files from .dbt to .txt, thereby NOT updating the files. I recognized that and changed it to "all files" option for the d/l. But others might not catch that and think they've got the updated db's and/or be confused why they don't. Just wanted to let you know. (Also, I'm a Sygate user, like another poster, and even with Sygate turned off I'm unable to use the live update feature.)

  3. I think I having trouble with the Live Update feature too. It says the last definitions update was 1/22/04. I attempted the Manual Update (using "all files) and successfully saved the 4 files to the Spyware Guard directory, but how do you get the program to use them? The Live Update button doesn't seem to find them....

  4. skbaltimore

    skbaltimore Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    If I understood your post correctly, if Spywareguard indicates 1/22/04, that IS the latest update. lol. However, if what you were saying is that you were unable to even GET the 1/22/04 update (when I originally d/l'd SWG the databases that came with it were back to August, 2003, and I was trying to get to the 1/22/04 update), and had to resort to the manual update method, then I would suggest that you look in the SG folder and look for the following files: def1.dtb, def2.dtb, dlbdata1.dtb, and dlbdata2.dtb. If you've also got def1.dtb.txt, def2.dtb.txt, etc., then what happened is that the manual d/l changed the extensions of the 4 database files from .dtb to .txt. In that instance, the program won't recognize the .txt files. There are several options you have at that point, but the bottom line is that you have to change the .txt files back to .dtb, and either replace or overwrite the older .dtb files. However, you can't do the changing directly in the same folder with the existing .dtb files because Windows won't let you. You need to take one set or the other out first. My suggestion would be to delete the older .dtb files and simply rename the .txt to .dtb and then you should be set.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2004
  5. txjmfan

    txjmfan Guest

    skbaltimore, thank you. I was having the same problem with the manually downloaded updates. This is fixed the problem.
  6. Page S

    Page S Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2004
    Thank you very much. Now the SpywareGuard is updated and the manual install was mucho easy.
    I was thrilled to fiind your products and appreciate you making these programs.

    Page S :D :D
  7. Kinevon

    Kinevon Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2005
    Is the above still correct, even though it is now 1/10/05?

    And does a definition set that old still offer any protection against any new threats?
  8. snowbound

    snowbound Retired Moderator

    Feb 18, 2003
    The Big Smoke
  9. mhf

    mhf Guest

    still no way to live update. When I download the .dtb files from the links on the forum (in a previous post) they are identical to the ones I have from July 2004, so what's the use of updating?
    Thanks for all.
  10. MikeBCda

    MikeBCda Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    southern Ont. Canada
    Can I assume that if I get the "no updates available -- you have latest protection" thing, I'm connecting OK?
  11. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Yep. :)

    Best regards,

  12. Is there any way we can register an email address with Javacool, so that when he updates SG we can know? I mean with so long between updates it's a waste of time turning on the live updater every week/month on the offchance.

    I mean it wouldn't have to be much, just a mailing list which occasionally gets "spywareguard 2.3 released/ update def file 26/06/05 released, turn on live update" as a plain text email
  13. andy912

    andy912 Guest

    When I re-installed the program a while back (from a new download if I remember?), I only had the older '03 definitions again, and would get a message that there was an error downloading updates.

    Having read this and the other thread, I've now manually downloaded those 4 Jan '04 files, as above, and it looks fine.

  14. Nadine

    Nadine Registered Member

    Sep 29, 2005
    I am having a problem getting spyware guard updates; not being very computr saavy I'm reluctant to try downloading manually; question: Why would a spyguard downloaded Sept. 05 - twice, from two different download sites - not have the latest update which was available a year earlier? My definition date is 8/30/03.
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