Future Changes to EAV

Discussion in 'ESET NOD32 Antivirus' started by Blackspear, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    The aim of this thread is to give feedback to ESET as to changes we would like to see in future upgrades of EAV

    Please be very specific so that your suggestion can be written in one line. After this go into DETAIL though remember to try and keep it in plain and simple terms. If it is too complex I will simply add: refer to post number XX. Basically, if I can't understand it, how can I write about it.

    If your suggestion has already been discussed in previous threads please post links to such, this may help further explain your case to ESET and others reading your suggestion.

    You are welcome to discuss the merits of each and every suggestion, just keep on topic, as there are other parts in the forum to discuss issues.

    A list will be maintained by Wilders and ESET staff in this first post enabling people to easily see if their suggestion is already included.

    Cheers :D


    1. Provide "Pause" and "Stop" items on the ESET system tray icon pop up to allow users to pause or stop scans (including scheduled scans). It would also be helpful is the system tray icon changed colour or shape when a scan is running. The problem with using "balloons" to display messages it that users do not see the messages if they are away from the PC.

    2. Provide a facility to automatically display on the screen (not a balloon) and/or email the results of a scheduled scan when it completes.

    3. Provide "Disable" and "Exit" items on the ESET system tray icon pop up to allow users to temporarily disable all ESET functionality or exit ESET completely.

    4. Make EAV 3.0 useable via Windows Scheduled Tasks, where other users may frequently group their tasks.

    5. Add a HIPs module.

    6. Expand the scope of information captured by Ctrl-C in some dialogs - see post number 7.

    7. The ability to skip scheduled scans if a laptop is running on battery power at the time. Some defrag programs offer this functionality.

    8. Integrate command line inside EAV and ESS like option scan for easy access

    9. Bootscan as option (it demands restarting pc similar the Avast)

    10. Elapsed and Estimated time scan pc

    11. Add option web protection site advisory (icon green, yellow, red and "?" )

    12. Web browser image Access denied "after" and "before".

    13. Better User-centric settings control for the GUI. Things like splash screen toggle, etc.

    14. More granular control of the password protection for different parts of the program (i.e. Quarantine protection having a different password than other sections).

    15. Configurable scheduled scan 'snooze' button, with forced scan completion after X snoozes of Y minutes.

    16. Add an option of automatic response when a possible threat is submitted you have actually received it ... an automatic reply you have received the ~threat , no matter if you are going to add it.

    17. Active Process Scanning

    18. As mentioned above, better self protection (right now, I can kill the process with an application I built in vb. This shouldn't be so easy.)

    19. Configurable archive scanning depth

    20. Better integration with Mozilla Thunderbird (like it was in 2.7)

    21. The ability to make the list of blocked addresses configurable per user so that certain URLs are only blocked for certain users.

    22. Add a setting to the proxy filter for programs so users can set auto or manual adding setting so advance users don't get a list full of programs that don't belong in there.

    23. Add the non GUI option as some don't need a pretty GUI for AV.

    24. Downloading Progress Bar https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=194773
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2009
  2. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    1. Provide "Pause" and "Stop" items on the ESET system tray icon pop up to allow users to pause or stop scans (including scheduled scans). It would also be helpful is the system tray icon changed colour or shape when a scan is running. The problem with using "balloons" to display messages it that users do not see the messages if they are away from the PC.

    2. Provide a facility to automatically display on the screen (not a balloon) and/or email the results of a scheduled scan when it completes.

    3. Provide "Disable" and "Exit" items on the ESET system tray icon pop up to allow users to temporarily disable all ESET functionality or exit ESET completely.
  3. Doodler

    Doodler Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    For those of us who are not super-computer savvy:
    (1) Make EAV 3.0 useable via Windows Scheduled Tasks, where other users may frequently group their tasks.
    (2) Keep It Simple! As mentioned on a number of computer web sites, although EAV Nod32 has a great reputation for protecting against viruses, the configuration process is challenging...if not mind-boggling.
  4. Owner

    Owner Registered Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    1) HIPS
    2) self protection
    3) better active rootkit detection and clean
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008
  5. EnGenie

    EnGenie Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    Hampshire, England
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    An online rules database similar to Agnitum's ImproveNet used by Outpost Firewall and Outpost Security Suite.

    See this thread for details.

    Obviously this just applies to ESS and not NOD32. - (Blackspear, maybe there should be a similar thread in the ESS forum).
  6. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    one post removed and a reminder that this thread is meant to provide new additions users desire. This is not a thread meant for ongoing issues.
  7. CrookedBloke

    CrookedBloke Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    I'm hoping some of the kinks get worked out soon. I have had to roll my entire production domain back from 3.0.621.0 to 2.70.39 and am delaying setting up a local mirror and remote admin system because of issues like the Event ID 6004 error, loss of server response, and remote desktop session failures when servers are running 3.x. Known (and unknown) bugs aside -- I have several suggestions for design changes.

    1. Expand the scope of information captured by Ctrl-C in some dialogs.

    In version 2.70.39 one could use the Information dialog to capture complete details about the antivirus software version as well as versions of all components and information about the host system as well. This was great for copying and pasting in to reports for maintenance records. In version 3.x the nearest substitute for this (that I can find) is in the Help | About dialog. The information available there for copying and pasting does not even include the antivirus software version number!

    In version 2.70.39 scan reports could be copied in part by highlightin non-contiguous sections of the log and hitting Ctrl-C. In version 3.x you can only copy contiguous portions of the log. (This is not a really big deal, but it is more convenient to get everything you want in one shot rather than Alt-Tabbing between the log and a maintenance report form.) I realize that I could also just export the log and cut out what I don't want, but prefer this method when using a remote desktop session for gathering data on remote systems.

    2. Provide an alternative means of providing exclusion rules for certain types of files or for specific system locations.

    On a server which runs SQL Server I want to exclude .ctl, .dat, .ldf, and .mdf file types from scanning of any kind. With the current design I have to go into several dialogs to accomplish this. Often, when you want to exclude something, you want to exclude it from any type of interaction whatsoever with the antivirus software.

    3. Either make the new interface more responsive, or go back to the old user interface.

    I know everybody is supposed to like "browser-like" interfaces. I really don't care much what an interface looks like (eye candy-wise) as long as it isn't badly cluttered and as long as it makes sense. But waiting several to many seconds for software to cogitate before finally giving any sign whatsoever that it has even received input from the user is maddening!

    4. Provide a way for EAV to work properly with proxy software like Tor. The only way I can use Tor on a system running version 3.x of EAV is to set protocol filtering to "HTTP and POP3 ports" only. Any other setting, even with eclusions for Privoxy and Tor, causes Tor to fail and / or total inability to browse the Web through Tor.


    I should have checked a little more carefully in 3.0.621.0. Apparently you can copy non-contiguous sections of a log now. Nice. But the scope of what's available for copying to the clipboard still needs to be improved.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2008
  8. guest

    guest Guest

    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    This applies to RAS but two features I miss since coming from Symantec.

    1. The current file that the real-time scanner is looking at.

    2. The logged on user name.
  9. John2222

    John2222 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    For the default install setup, provide a weekly scheduled scan defined for all local drives, or at least the c: drive.
  10. flyrfan111

    flyrfan111 Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2004
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    The ability to skip scheduled scans if a laptop is running on battery power at the time. Some defrag programs offer this functionality.
  11. nodyforever

    nodyforever Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2007
    PT / Lisbon
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    1 - To integrate command line inside EAV and ESS like option scan for easy access

    2 - Bootscan as option (it demands restarting pc similar the Avast)

    3 - Compilation in European Portuguese (At present it is translated only in the Brazilian Portuguese) please...:(

    4 - Elapsed and Estimated time scan pc

    5 - To improve sending and reception notice archives analysis. (we can receive for a popup or by electronic mail archive is or not virus, and with which name it was cataloged)

    6 - Anti-Spam plugin support all clients email or the clients most used by users as we can see to soon of topics forum.

    7 - Add option web protection site advisory (icon green, yellow, red and "?" )

    8 - Web browser image Access denied "after" and "before [1]"

    9 - IMAP email scanning and SSL scanning STunnel encrypted

    10 - Tagging email - possible modification for user text tag message [variable options - Standard and Advanced]

    11 - Backup and Restore, PC Tuneup and Paternal Control - Center GUI

    12 - Update Offline - downloading web site official database virus "pack" compatible EAV an ESS

    13 - Update Program - EAV/ESS update program to 3.0.xxx to 4.0.xxx for example without the necessity of a new installation.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008
  12. techie007

    techie007 Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    I agree on both of these 100%.

    The fact that I can't see what file is being scanned so I can create a custom exclusion is crazy to me.

    And the logged in user name was always a hugely useful plus of Symantec's System Center.

    I'd also like to see for the Business edition:

    1. Better User-centric settings control for the GUI. Things like splash screen toggle, etc.
    2. More granular control of the password protection for different parts of the program (i.e. Quarantine protection having a different password than other sections).
    3. Configurable scheduled scan 'snooze' button, with forced scan completion after X snoozes of Y minutes.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2008
  13. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    Change in the behaviour of the Threat/Virus Lab

    Please , add an option of automatic response when a possible threat is submitted you have actually received it ... an automatic reply you have received the ~threat , no matter if you are going to add it
  14. CrookedBloke

    CrookedBloke Registered Member

    Oct 15, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    I would like to see EAV work better in conjunction with UAC in Vista.

    Vista is a nice change in MS operating systems in that it is possible, finally, to do the vast majority of my work as a systems admin from within a standard user account. If accomplishing a specific task requires it I can issue admin credentials upon demand.

    With EAV making any change whatsoever to settings requires me to log off of the standard user account and log on as an admin. (Even running the user interface as an admin from within the standard user account doesn't really work properly.)

    Truly Vista-compatible software asks for admin credentials as they are needed when one invokes a feature which needs them.

    I do realize that incorporating such a sweeping change in functionality may not be feasible for this version of EAV. But it would have been nice.
  15. Causes Drowsiness

    Causes Drowsiness Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2006
    Behind you...
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    Features I would like in NOD32:

    • Active Process Scanning
    • As mentioned above, better self protection (right now, I can kill the process with an application I built in vb. This shouldn't be so easy.)
    • Configurable archive scanning depth
    • Better integration with Mozilla Thunderbird (like it was in 2.7)

    Those are just some things that would be nice. Sorry if I repeated anything anyone else said.
  16. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    Two more posts removed.

    As noted in the first post and in Bubba's reminder...

    This thread is for new features and functionality, not for reposting of current issues or bugs that are already being discussed in other threads.
  17. EnGenie

    EnGenie Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    Hampshire, England
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    The ability to make the list of blocked addresses configurable per user so that certain URLs are only blocked for certain users.
  18. a_lunatic

    a_lunatic Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    Add a setting to the proxy filter for programs so users can set auto or manual adding setting so advance users don't get a list full of programs that don't belong in there.

    Add the non GUI option as some don't need a pretty GUI for AV.
  19. tcarrbrion

    tcarrbrion Registered Member

    Dec 15, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    I will second this. Programs that encourage people to run as administrator all the time are really bad for computer security.
  20. techie007

    techie007 Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    This option magically appeared in my RA's XML editor recently! YAY!

    1 down. ;)
  21. ankupan

    ankupan Registered Member

    Oct 4, 2004
  22. guest

    guest Guest

    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    Yes but they don't work...
  23. toddzy

    toddzy Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2008
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    EAV version 3 uninstallation process is no longer password-protected. I'm sure we need this so to prevent threats from removing the virus protection.
  24. Galaxykiss

    Galaxykiss Registered Member

    Mar 23, 2007
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    1.I wish that I can upload the undetected files which are packed as a RAR or ZIP file via threatsense.net , so as to let the analizer can check the virus.
    2.eav should become use lower CPU usage in copy large files and unpack files.
    3.Optimized the scanning to the P2P software
    4.Build a forum to let yourself to collected the issues that respounding to how eav can be bypass , then fix it in time.
  25. Brian N

    Brian N Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2005
    Re: Future Changes to EAV 3.0

    An option to turn the blurry text off! ClearType should be renamed BlurType.
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