Warner does deal with 180Solutions

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by Paranoid2000, May 12, 2006.

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  1. Paranoid2000

    Paranoid2000 Registered Member

    May 2, 2004
    North West, United Kingdom
    "CONTROVERSIAL ADWARE COMPANY 180SOLUTIONS AT the end of last month quietly began offering streams of two shows distributed by Warner Bros. Online. The shows--the soap opera "Deception" and the animated show "Medical Island"--were created specifically for the Web. Both programs are available online exclusively on 180solutions' consumer site, Zango.com. Visitors to the site can only view the shows if they agree to download the company's ad-serving software, which serves up to six pop-up ads daily, based on Web-surfing behavior."

    Warner Bros. Online Partners With Adware Company
  2. trickyricky

    trickyricky Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2005
    London, UK
    First it was Sony, now another media giant shows its true colours. WB belongs in the "bad corner" along with Sony and all the other malware distributors.

    Does their corporate greed surpass all of their other thinking? Won't they ever learn from past mistakes? :rolleyes:

    No other comments are really needed, other than "boycott WB as well as Sony. We can live without their 'content'".
  3. Lamehand

    Lamehand Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    the Netherlands,very near to the North sea
    Well, i think it doesn't matter much in this case, most of the movies and series nowadays are such crap you don't want to see them anyway. :D

  4. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Just keep downloading through p2p - it's the only way. Every article like this - I instantly add 10 more movies into the list.
  5. Lamehand

    Lamehand Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    the Netherlands,very near to the North sea
    Mrkvonic, you must be very busy nowadays then. :D

  6. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    First there was one, now two, then three, ... It always starts this way and in the end, there is no choice left, than using one of them. The next generations won't be like us, they will accept it in return for something free. :)
  7. Lamehand

    Lamehand Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    the Netherlands,very near to the North sea
    It all seems a bit desparate to me like; "nobody want's our stupid zango, let's give them some crappy content with it maybe then they will use it"

  8. lordpake

    lordpake Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    Helsinki ~ European Union
    I too fear this will happen. As it becomes such a commonplace thing to have 'sponsor application(s)' (for the lack of better words), people will get numb and probably stop caring.
  9. Lamehand

    Lamehand Registered Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    the Netherlands,very near to the North sea
    So to recap this; people from future generations are either going to be stupid or will have been numbed to the hilt, i find this hard to believe, there are still people with brains in their head and there always will be, even in the generations that will come after us.The world would be in a poor state if this weren't the case.

    For the record; this Warner Bros. thing is not free, there is a price to pay, namely zango.

    I'am not saying that loads and loads of people won't go for this kind of 'deals' but that doesn't make it right or something to accept.

  10. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    Everything changes and people's attitude and toleration has also changed during the years.

    Of course everybody has his own opinion about what is right and wrong, but you can't stop the money train and certainly not the people that travel with the money train.

    People with lots of money rule the world and they decide everything in the world : money and power.
    In the Dark Ages we had kings and slaves, now we have people with money and the man on the street.
    Nothing really changed, only the slaves have a better life now, at least those who can afford a better life.

    What can one man on the street do in such a world : in most cases nothing.
    We are manipulated all the time and the only thing an individual can do is agree/participate or not agree/participate with it.
    That doesn't matter because the majority of people will agree and participate anyway. They choose the easy way, because they like to do what most people do.

    I've seen alot of changes in my lifetime and what wasn't tolerated 30 years back, is now accepted as normal.
    I'm very sure that internet will change alot in the next 30 years and people will change their attitude and toleration towards internet and all its advertising.
    Old generations die with all their opinions, morals, ... and are replaced by young generations over and over again. Just look back what happened in the past.
    That doesn't happen in one day of course, that happens gradually.
  11. StevieO

    StevieO Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006

    I agree with all the points you make about how things are today, and how most people seem to just accept that's how it is without questioning or making any noise. A bit like lambs to the slaughter, except that the lambs don't have any free choice in the matter, and can't change the outcome. Whereas we all can, if we really wanted to. The trouble is so many people are afraid to speak up, and/or too lazy to do anything about it. A lot of younger people don't even realise it could be different, or would even want it to be when asked ! But it's not just the young, all ages are blinded to different extents.

    I guess until it all kicks off in very BIG ways, and people get that wake up call that's long overdue, things will get worse before they even start to get better ! I give it another 5 - 6 years only, before it all goes haywire, and it is coming. But it is needed after all, as things have gone way too far down the slippery slope, and in in many directions. The sad thiing is, we have all allowed it all to happen, right under or noses !!!

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