Chrome Inside Sandboxie Keep Resetting My Chrome Extension

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by Dan Nospa, May 17, 2024.

  1. Dan Nospa

    Dan Nospa Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2023
    Hi, I run standard Chrome with no sandbox and I run another copy of Chrome in Sandboxie. It's to keep my work and non work in different browsers. Recently, the Chrome in the sanboxie has been resetting my uBlock settings back to default.

    I have Chrome updates as blocked as I can, because when you update Chrome in the non sandbox version, it hoses the sandbox version. But for whatever reason I can't figure out why my extension keeps getting reset.
  2. deugniet

    deugniet Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    One thing you could do is to backup and restore the uBlock-settings.


    “The bottom-most section is for you to conveniently backup/restore/reset settings in uBO.

    uBO saves a text file with the following information to the location specified by your browser for the backup.

    • All settings modified from the default
    • Identifiers of selected filter lists
    • Addresses of custom filter lists
    • Contents of "My filters"
    • Contents of "My rules"
    • Contents of "Trusted sites"
    Recommend that you backup all your settings regularly.”
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