Migrate SSD, W10, can't upgrade to SSD

Discussion in 'Other Paragon Disk Utilities' started by IrvS, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Please check the Dell Support forum, message http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/f/4997/p/19643586/20794706

    All details are in it.

    Basically the Dell shipped Windows install (W8.1) was cloned over to an SSD using the Migrate SSD 4.0 version. It worked like a charm. Never had a problem. Original hard drive was not re-formatted and one could boot to either drive and have it work.

    DISK MANAGER view is on the Dell site. Disk 1 is the SSD (on SATA III port 3).
    On Page 4 of the above link PLEASE read these messages:

    Posted by dilligas66 on Mon, Aug 3 2015 7:31 PM
    Posted by dilligas66 on Mon, Aug 3 2015 8:07 PM
    Posted by drjamison on Mon, Aug 3 2015 8:10 PM
    That is THREE of us, all used Migrate SSD 4.0 and we all CAN NOT install Win10 to that SSD. The first reference above even used the program to move from the SSD to the hard drive and could no longer install W10 to the hard drive when he could before:

    Contents of the message in the first reference above:
    I used Paragon to migrate as well. That sounds fishy...

    I also used Paragon to migrate everything back to the platter, so the machine would be configured like it was when I received it. W10 install showed same error.

    8.1 recovery disk to reinstall shows same error as well.

    Something has definitely happened, but I can't get my finger on it.
    Can you tell us what might be going on?
  2. Libor Vasa

    Libor Vasa Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    I have the same problem, on a different hardware. I have a MSI GE60 0ND laptop, have migrated from HDD to SSD using Paragon Migrate to SSD 4.0. Now I cannot upgrade to Windows 10, receive the "0xC1900101 - 0x20017 The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation" error after reboot, just as the people with the DELL XPS 8700.
  3. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Got a reply from Paragon via a Support request.
    We were already reported about this issue and now try to find what causes the problem. This is Windows 10 compatibility issue which most likely can’t be worked around. We’ll inform you as soon as we get any updated info.
    Doesn't sound promising if it can't be worked around? Might be an MS problem?
  4. Libor Vasa

    Libor Vasa Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    I have also got problems when trying to update BIOS in my laptop, seems there is some kind of issue with this UEFI or EFI booting...
  5. Angelo_AZ

    Angelo_AZ Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    I appear to be experiencing the same problem mentioned above. I cannot update from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 on a Dell XPS 8700. It appears to progress though the update process, but then fails after a reboot with the following message:

    "0xC1900101 - 0x20017 The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation"

    Back in Aug of 2014, I used Paragon Migrate OS to SSD 4.0 to migrate Windows 8.1 to a new SSD drive.
  6. mikeco

    mikeco Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    To add another voice to this, I have exactly the same problem. Dell XPS 8700 with Paragon Migrate OS to SSD 4.0 used to migrate Windows 8.1 to a new SDD, Windows 10 upgrade error C1900101-20017.
  7. plwilliams

    plwilliams Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    Same error on both a Lenovo K450e and an HP H8-1437c that I migrated Windows 8.1 to an SSD. But an HP Windows 7 computer, that I migrated to an SSD, did update successfully to Windows 10
  8. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Question? I've got 3 PC's, all Dell's and 2 are NOT listed as tested by Dell. My 8700 used the Paragon program and fails. The other 2, an XPS 8500 and 435T also have SSD's as the boot drive and DID update without problems and work well. All 3 computers had/have W8.1 on them. The failing one however is the ONLY one that has Windows 8.1 on it, the other 2 had Windows 8.1 PRO with Media Center.

    Were all your PC's the same 8.1 version? I'm sort of wondering if this is a Win8.1 HOME only problem?
  9. plwilliams

    plwilliams Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    My Lenovo and HP H8 both had Win8.1 Home. Did your two machines that did upgrade also use Paragon to migrate the OS to the SSD's? It's beginning to sound, at least to me, that the common theme is Win8.1 migrated to SSD with Paragon.
  10. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    No, they were setup manually. Only the 8700 used the Paragon program. I assume the W7 was the Pro version? If so, Win8.1 Home is a possible problem as well. I've been looking at BCDEDIT, thinking something is set correctly and W10 upgrade does all the work it needs too on the C: on the SSD but uses a call to reboot via the Boot Record and winds up at another drive and can't find a file it needs and resets to W8.1 possibly?
  11. plwilliams

    plwilliams Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    Nope, my Win 7 machine was Home Premium.
    Given the error message, your hypothesis sounds good to me, but I'm not a techie.
  12. leggan

    leggan Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    I have the same problem, can't update from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.
    Dell XPS 8700. cloned the Windows 8.1 OS to a Samsung SSD 850 EVO.
    All Works OK in Windows 8.1.
    After update to Windows 10, get error code 1900101 after boot, and I'm still on Windows 8.1.
    Anyone found a solution?
  13. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Well, MS says the only way to fix it is a new install of Windows onto the SDD. Dell of course doesn't have clue on this but of course suggests a clean install.

    I must say, it took over 20 hours of playing around with my 8700 to finally get it working AGAIN after the MS and Dell advice destroyed what I had.

    First I tried ALL the normal stuff, removed the other 2 hard drives I had, Windows Update install, USB install, DVD install, all failed the same way. My 'assumption' was the W10 install was somehow booting back to my Hard Drives C: that the 8700 initially shipped with. My F12 showed 4 boots possible, the SSD, the original hard drive, and UEFI OS. I then deleted in BIOS BOOT the last two (now I can't put it back?).

    So I decided to backup my SSD partition and install W8.1 using the Dell Recovery DVD. I made ONE mistake doing this. The original hard disk is disk 0 and the SDD disk 1. With Paragon's clone the SDD has the ESP partition, but since I neglected to pull the other 2 drives (disk 2 is a backup drive) the install wrote to Disk 0 some boot data pointing to Disk 1 (the SSD). I had basically lost the boot possibility of the original C: (but I do have a way as it turns out, not clean off a menu, but a way). I assume if I pulled the other drive cables and power I'd not have that problem but not guarantee I would either.

    Once W8.1 was installed on the SSD and I could boot to it, MS started over 100 updates, took about 4 times to get them all installed.

    OK, now all I need to do was restore the saved W8.1. This worked fine.

    Now I 'assume' W10 would install. MS said this was the only way to fix this. I'm confident I can do it and it will. Just in NO rush right now. Other HAVE done this and it work in the Dell forum so I'd expect too also.
  14. IrvS

    IrvS Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    W10 installed fine without a hitch. Up and running.

    Never got an answer to my support request from Paragon with even a suggestion. Only they were looking at this and the error was a common W10 error. Almost sounded like finger pointing between them and MS.
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